The celebration of Eid during lockdown- What was it like?

British Muslim Zahra discusses how celebrating Eid is different during lockdown, with a family video blog showing preparation and celebration. Zahra touches on preparing food for the celebration day, homemade cards and traditional dress. A key talking point for her surrounds the debate of whether to dress traditionally as if this celebration of Eid was unaffected by Covid-19, or whether to embrace the opportunity to celebrate Eid in a more informal, relaxed manner.  Within her blog, Zahra shows how this Eid celebration feels different to usual, including the inability to see family and friends on a day where large family gatherings would be the norm. Furthermore, when meeting with grandparents in a socially distanced environment the inclusion of social distancing between family members and the use of face masks left an atmosphere of sadness within the celebration, something unusual for the celebration of Eid on a whole. Despite this, Zahra suggests that this unusual Eid was still fun and enjoyable, especially within the atmosphere of uncertainty.


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