No working definition of Islamophobia for the UK Government: Implications and Reactions

Tuesday 1st November  was the  beginning of the tenth Islamophobia awareness month, a campaign founded in 2012 by MEND (Muslim Engagement and Development) and partner organisations which aims to “showcase the positive contributions of Muslims as well as raise awareness of Islamophobia in society”1. The campaign theme for 2022 is “#TacklingDenial” of Islamophobia to raise

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Pew Research Center statistics reveal similarities and differences between U.S.-born and foreign-born Muslim Americans

The results of the Pew Research Center’s survey reveal, among other findings, that foreign-born and U.S.-born Muslim Americans engage in about the same levels of religious practice, while foreign-born Muslims tend to have a stronger socioeconomic foothold than their U.S.-born counterparts.

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