The Backlash against the “Delegitimising Counter-Terrorism” Report

On April 26th 2022, Policy Exchange (a UK educational think tank) released a report “Delegitimising Counter-Terrorism: The Activist Campaign to Demonise Prevent”. Authored by Sir John Jenkins (British Diplomat), Dr Damon L. Perry (Senior Research Fellow), and Dr Paul Stott (Head of Security and Extremism ) the report was written in response to the “People’s Review

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On behalf of the American Muslim community, we, the undersigned, want to extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the barbaric assault that occurred early yesterday morning at Pulse, an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando, Florida. We unequivocally say that such an act of hate-fueled violence has no place in

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In Germany, graffiti and arson damage mosques and refugee camps

Unknown perpetrators have smudged the unfinished body shell of a mosque in the city of Dormagen with swastika Nazi symbols. The police refused to draw correlations between the assault and the current PEGIDA protests. Police and security authorities have initiated investigation, expecting that the assaults are politically motivated. At the same time, a fire assault

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Assault against Ahmadiyya mosque in Leipzig

November 15, 2013   The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jammat community of Leipzig has demonstrated confidence after a committed assault against the construction of its mosque last Friday. Unknown perpetrators had thrown pigs’ heads in front of the mosque. Abdullah Uwe Wagishauser, chair of the community in Germany said that the community would not loose its composure.

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Islamic converts threatened to ‘kill non-believers’ in vigilante patrol

November 11, 2013   Two Islamic converts threatened to stab members of the public and “kill non-believers” as they roamed the streets of east London in the early hours of the morning. Ricardo McFarlane, 36, and a 23-year-old man who cannot be named for legal reasons joined a self-styled “Muslim Patrol” attempting to impose Sharia

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