AWOL soldier sentenced to life in prison for planning bomb attack on Fort Hood troops

WACO, Texas — Naser Jason Abdo sat alone in court with his hands shackled and a white cloth secured over his mouth and neck. The soldier who went AWOL and plotted to kill other troops outside a Texas Army post remained defiant Friday as he was sentenced to life in prison, not asking for mercy

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Federal trial starting in Texas for Muslim soldier accused in bomb plot on Fort Hood troops

WACO, Texas — Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, a Muslim soldier who was AWOL from Fort Campbell, Ky., is accused of planning to bomb a Killeen restaurant filled with Fort Hood soldiers and shoot any survivors last summer. Jury selection was scheduled to start Monday at his federal trial in Waco, about 50 miles northeast of

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Army alert says AWOL soldier admits he planned an attack on Fort Hood, site of 2009 rampage

KILLEEN, Texas — An AWOL infantry soldier caught with weapons and a bomb inside a backpack admitted planning what would have been Fort Hood’s second terrorist attack in less than two years, the Army said Thursday. He might have succeeded at carrying it out, police said, if a gun-store clerk hadn’t alerted them to the

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