Islamic banking draws new interest from West

A recent article on Islamic banking from Al-Monitor looks at the relationship between politics and Islamic banking. According to Al-Monitor, “Islamic finance experience can be seen as a humane financial and banking jurisprudence, which can be criticized and reviewed, as well as distanced from politics.”

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Civil Rights Groups Protest Closures Of Muslims’ Bank Accounts

March 5, 2014   A Minneapolis-based bank has been closing the accounts of its customers in the Islamic community for years, but nobody can figure out why. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.– For years, Twin Cities’ residents who identify as members of the Islamic community say they have had their bank accounts closed unnecessarily and without reason by

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Paris seeks to become Islamic finance hub in Europe

News Agencies – April 23, 2012   A report prepared by KFH-Research states that new global markets are seeking to join the main players in the Islamic financing industry and services, such as France. France is working relentlessly to make numerous legal and organizational reformations to facilitate the offering of Islamic financial services and products.

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Junta Islamica prepares a conference about Islamic banking practices

The Halal Institute, an organization created by the Islamic association Junta Islamica, is organizing an international conference on the Islamic banking system. The aim of this event, according to the organizers, is to promote the Islamic banking system as an alternative to the economic crisis and discuss the experiences of different countries. The Halal Institute

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Islamic banking enters the Austrian market

After several years of success in the UK and first attempts in continental Europe, Islamic banking is now about to enter the Austrian market. Islamic financing is said to be highly profitable: growth rates of 30 percent are predicted. So far, the roughly 400, 000 Austrian Muslims have no opportunity to invest their money in

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