CIDOB publishes report on analysis of 2017 Barcelona terrorist attacks

The Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) has released a paper called Revisiting the Barcelona Attacks: Reactions, Explanations and Pending Discussions, which examines the discourse and debates surrounding the Islamic State group attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils on August 17th and 18th, 2017.

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German Muslim leaders react to Barcelona attacks

Following the recent attacks in Barcelona and the Catalan town of Cambrils that left 15 dead, Muslim figures in Germany have expressed their condemnation of the events and their solidarity with the victims. Germany’s main Islamic associations condemn the attacks DİTİB, the country’s largest Islamic association, issued a press release rejecting all forms of terrorism.

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British Muslim responses to Barcelona terrorist attack

After terrorist attacks in the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Cambrils, British Muslims have responded in various ways. Independent British Muslim journalist, Abbas Nasir, noted that Barcelona was attacked despite its previous strong opposition to the Iraq war. For him, this indicates that terrorism is not about the West but about “spiritually defunct” individual Jihadis.

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A judge issues the first condemnation for Islamophobia in Catalonia

March 5, 2014   The Judge of a Barcelona Court, ​​María Pilar Calvo, has condemned Jaime T., the website administrator of “”, to two years in prison for inciting hate and violence against Islam and for disseminating anti-Islamic beliefs. The condemnation is the first Islamophobia related condemnation in Catalonia., which has received at least

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Hundreds of extremists in Catalonia willing to act

December 16, 2013   In response to the expansion of Salafi-Wahabi extremism across Europe, Spanish State security has deployed a dense network of agents throughout Catalonia that have woven a stealthy early warning system for detecting terrorist threats from radical Islamist groups that have arrived to gain new supporters in the Catalan community. Several “conferences”

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