“Breakdown: Unanimous Supreme Court backs prisoner in religious beard.” (RNS)

“The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously decided in favor a prisoner’s religious liberty. The Court ruled that the state of Arkansas must allow a prisoner to grow a beard if doing so is a requirement of his faith. The unanimous decision made it clear that the religious liberties of prisoners must be protected. A prison must be

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CAIR Applauds Supreme Court Ruling in Favor of Muslim Inmate’s Religious Rights [Press Release]

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/20/15) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today applauded a unanimous ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that a Muslim inmate in Arkansas be permitted to grow a beard in accordance with his religious beliefs. That decision overturned a state prison policy banning

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How to spot a Muslim according to the Board of Education in Poitiers

Charles Martel has returned to the Board of Education in Poitiers. A document meant to help teachers detect signs of radicalization in students is said to have taken a “dislike” to Islam, according to information from Mediapart. The document classifies signs of radicalization in the following manner: having a long beard, wearing religious clothing, shaving

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Muslim wrestler goes to the mat for his religious beliefs

UB student’s beliefs call for a beard Muhamed McBryde has loved wrestling ever since he can remember, but when he had to choose between shaving his beard and competing for the University at Buffalo, the decision was easy. McBryde sat on the sidelines. The pre-med student believes shaving the beard would compromise his faith. He

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Supreme Court Agrees to Weigh Arkansas Inmate’s Right to Grow a Beard

February 28, 2014   WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to decide whether prison officials in Arkansas may prohibit inmates from growing beards in accordance with their religious beliefs. The policy was challenged by Gregory H. Holt, who is serving a life sentence for burglary and domestic battery. Mr. Holt said his Muslim

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