Belgian Muslim organisation condemns recruitment for Syria

14.04.2013 Le Soir For the first time a Muslim organisation condemned the instrumentalisation of Islam to recruit voluntary fighters from Belgium for the civil-war in Syria. Forum Musulmans et Société (FMS) has expressed its disagreement with attempts to religify the war in Syria, which the organisation considers to be a war between Syrians and not

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Belgian Muslim vigilance website launched

Vigilance Musulmane (Muslim Vigilance), a think tank and watch dog group based out of Belgium, has launched a website detailing their work ensuring for proper treatment within the country’s constitution, as well as the neutrality of the State and the separation of religion and politics in the country. The website features news articles on these

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Belgium – Parliamentarians with Headscarves

26-year-old Mahinur Özdemir is the first woman to enter a parliament in Europe with a headscarf. The daughter of a Turkish green grocer in Brussels immigrant quarter Schaarbeek,she is the youngest delegate in Brussels new regional parliament.Not only in Belgium,the headscarf has fueled discussion about religious symbols in public,about tolerance,and about integration policies. A portrait

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Increasingly fundamentalist views among Belgian Muslim youths

This documentary shows the increasing fundamentalism in Belgium among Muslim youth. A young female researcher has conducted covert research in Molenbeek, Brussels, and discovered strong Islamisation and isolation of the Muslim community, and to a strong extend also among young women.

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Mosques don’t have enough space

The spokesperson for the Belgian Muslim League, Farid El Machaoud said that mosques in Belgium don’t have enough space for all those who come for Friday prayers. “The Muslim population continues to grow and more and more youth go to the mosque,” says El Machaoud. In addition, he added that in big cities, there is

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