No working definition of Islamophobia for the UK Government: Implications and Reactions

Tuesday 1st November  was the  beginning of the tenth Islamophobia awareness month, a campaign founded in 2012 by MEND (Muslim Engagement and Development) and partner organisations which aims to “showcase the positive contributions of Muslims as well as raise awareness of Islamophobia in society”1. The campaign theme for 2022 is “#TacklingDenial” of Islamophobia to raise

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‘Islamophobia’: A contested term in UK discourse

Recent claims that Islamophobia does not exist has prompted questioning over whether the term, which some argue conflates the anti-Muslim and the anti-Islam, is a useful one to use.

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Pipe bombing of Minnesota mosque reveals anxieties about spike in Islamophobia in U.S.

Three men have been arrested on suspicion of pipe bombing a Minnesota mosque in August 2017. The attack has revealed anxiety about the spike in bigotry targeting American Muslims, which has led CAIR to urge mosques and Islamic centres to take steps to protect themselves against potential attacks.

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4th ‘Forum for Peace’ promotes interfaith engagement to counter extremism and tackle Islamophobia

The event, run by the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies, brought together Muslim and non-Muslim delegates from around the world to discuss the global issues of countering extremism and tackling Islamophobia.

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