UK bishop warns of Islam-only zones

A senior Church of England bishop says Islamic extremists in Britain are trying to create areas that exclude non-Muslims. The Rt. Rev. Michael Nazir-Ali contends the goal is to establish “no-go” zones in England in which people of different faiths face physical attack, The Sunday Telegraph reported. The Pakistani-born Nazir-Ali, who serves as the bishop

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German Lutheran leader questions mosque building

Berlin – Germany’s top Lutheran leader, Wolfgang Huber, questioned Monday why Muslims in the country were mounting “a large- scale mosque-building campaign.””It’s a fair question as to how far this meets legitimate religious needs or whether ambitions over and beyond that are involved,” said Huber, who is the Lutheran bishop of Berlin.

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Dutch Bishop Suggests Calling God Allah

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — A Dutch Catholic bishop who once said the hungry were entitled to steal bread and advocated condom use to prevent AIDS has made headlines again, this time by saying God should be called Allah. ”Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn’t we all say that from now on

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UK Bishop Weighs in on Veil Debate

A Church of England bishop said in comments published Sunday that officials should have the power to ban veils that cover the face in public, continuing the divisive debate in Britain over the traditional garment for Muslim women. The Pakistani-born bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, urged Muslims not to wear the veil under some circumstances.

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