Rector of the Mosque of Paris demands that debate on Islam be cancelled

News Agencies – March 11, 2011 These articles outline the rector of the Mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur, and his position opposing the proposed debate on Islam by Nicolas Sarkozy.

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Dalil Boubakeur Target of Assassination Plot

News Agencies – November 11, 2010 Five alleged Islamic terrorists arrested in Paris this week were planning to assassinate the city’s leading Muslim cleric. All of the men, who are French passport holders, are believed to have returned from fighting British and American troops alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan. The murder plot against Dalil Boubakeur,

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Terrorist Suspects Arrested In and Around Paris

News Agencies – November 9, 2010 Five people believed to have trained as Islamist militants in Pakistan’s troubled Afghan border region have been arrested in and around Paris. Some of those arrested were picked up in the suburb of Roissy, where France’s largest airport is located, security sources said on condition of anonymity. Police and

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Dalil Boubakeur Placed under Police Protection in France

News Agencies – September 20, 2010 France’s interior minister says the country has reinforced vigilance against terrorist threats, and the moderate rector of the main Paris mosque has been given armed guards. The Grand Mosque of Paris says its rector, Dalil Boubakeur, has been given three armed guards because of a new threat. Mosque spokesman

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Dalil Boubakeur Placed under Police Protection in France

News Agencies – September 20, 2010 France’s interior minister says the country has reinforced vigilance against terrorist threats, and the moderate rector of the main Paris mosque has been given armed guards. The Grand Mosque of Paris says its rector, Dalil Boubakeur, has been given three armed guards because of a new threat. Mosque spokesman

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