The Muslim Taxi Driver

February 28, 2014   If you want to kill legislation that protects the right of Christians to withhold business services from same-sex couples, here’s one way to do it: Don’t warn people about Christians. Warn them about Muslims. That strategy was on display in the campaign against Arizona Senate Bill 1062, which would have shielded businesses

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Tennessee anti-Islam Fanatics: Fire Muslim Economic Development Officer

Tea party and anti-Muslim activists are taking aim at a recent hire by the administration of Gov. Bill Haslam, targeting one of its top economic development officers based on her religion and past work experience. The Center for Security Policy, a Washington, D.C., organization that has frequently attacked Muslims for perceived ties to Islamist groups,

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Turkish brewer seeks foothold in Germany

A photograph hanging in Bunyamin Turksoy’s corner office shows the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, with a broad smile on his face — and a glass of cloudy white Raki liquor in his hand. It’s inspiration for Turksoy, a German-Turkish entrepreneur who has come out with a new brand of beer called Bey.

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