Lies Hebbadj Placed Under Police Watch in France

News Agencies – September 20, 2010 Lies Hebbadj, the grocer from Nantes who came under fire after his wife was fined for wearing a niqab while driving in April, was placed under police watch for the third time in four months because of an “abuse of confidence.” There was some question about how he paid

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France Signals Heightened Terrorist Alert

News Agencies – September 20, 2010 France is on heightened alert for possible terrorist attacks after receiving a tip-off that a female suicide bomber was planning to attack the transport system, a police source said this week. Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux said France was facing a real terrorism threat as it faces a backlash from

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Sarkozy says polygamy and female circumcision are not grounds to lose citizenship

News Agencies – September 6, 2010 President Nicolas Sarkozy vowed to press ahead with plans to strip French citizenship from immigrants who attack police, but ruled out that punishment for those who practice polygamy or promote female circumcision. Sarkozy first proposed reversing the naturalisation of immigrants convicted of endangering the lives of police in July

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“Islamicist” Imam Expulsed from France a Second Time

Le Monde – August 19, 2010 France’s Minister of the Interior, Brice Hortefeux, has deported a “Islamicist” imam, Ali Ibrahim El-Soudany, to Egypt from a mosque in Pantin for the second time. Hortefeux explained in a news release, “This individual recently reappeared in France after his expulsion last January.” Since 2002, 125 radical “Islamicists”, of

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Prime Minister Fillon Attends Mosque Opening North of Paris

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon attended the inauguration of a mosque in Argenteuil, a suburb north of Paris, the first time a head of government has attended such an event. Fillon gave a speech to the 800 dignitaries in which he denounced violence against Muslims in France. But he also warned against religious fundamentalism. Fillon

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