INTERVIEW WITH BRITISH HOME SECRETARY: ‘No Day This Year without a Terror Trial’

In an interview with SPIEGEL, British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith discusses her country’s experience in taking in former inmates from the Guantanamo prison camp and how her country is seeking to reach out to young Muslims before they radicalize. SPIEGEL: In Germany, a national debate is simmering over whether the country should take in prisoners

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Islam emerges choicest religion in Europe / In UK alone, 50,000 enter the fold every year

In a recent interview with the BBC, British Home Secretary Jackoi Smith made some interesting observations about the rapid spread of Islam in Europe. According to Smith, around 50,000 Britishers are converting to Islam each year and since 2001, four lakh Britishers have converted to Islam. He said the Muslim population in Britain has reached

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British Muslim Women Not To Show Faces On Id: Report

LONDON – In a move to assure its Muslim community introduction of the first ID cards in Britain since the Second World War was not signaling them out, the government will reportedly exempt Muslim women from showing their faces on the controversial ID cards. On Monday, April 26, British Home Secretary, David Blunkett is to

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