Report finds some individuals have been referred to Prevent by National Health Service staff for watching Arabic TV or going on pilgrimage to Mecca

The report, entitled ‘Counter-terrorism in the NHS’, found that a number of NHS staff are unaware of how to implement the Prevent initiative, corresponding with findings by the BMJ, and adds to already well-established concerns about the counter-terrorism programme.

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Crackdown on ‘suicide websites’

The law on “suicide websites” is to be rewritten to ensure people know they are illegal, the government has said. It follows concerns people searching for information on suicide are more likely to find sites encouraging the act than offering support. It is illegal under the 1961 Suicide Act to promote suicide, but no website

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Muslims Worst Sufferers Of London Bombings

LONDON: Almost a third of Londoners overall but nearly two-thirds of Muslims suffered substantial stress following the 7 July bombings in the city, researchers say, reports BBC. Muslims may have suffered more because of fears of reprisals, they said. The British Medical Journal study also found that 32% of the 1,010 questioned were to reduce

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