Lessons in Hate and Violence: The Same Old Story – Commentary on a Channel 4 Documentary

17 February 2011 Prior to the transmission of Channel 4’s Dispatches, Lessons in Hate and Violence, a number of newspapers ran articles about the extremism and abuse in some mosques and madrassas. Muslim groups gave their reaction after the programme aired. The British Muslim Forum condemned abuse and bigotry but said that such incidents and

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Ulema in Britain reaffirm support for Pakistan Army action

Influential Sunni Ulema of Britain’s 2 million strong Muslim community have appealed to the Pakistan Army to continue the Operation Rah-e-Raast till the obliteration of the Taliban and their al-Qaeda supporters. The unequivocal support for the military action against the Taliban came at a reference organised in the Central Mosque Brent to pay tribute to

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Leading Muslim calls for extremists to leave the UK

The founder of the British Muslim Forum has said hate-filled Islamic extremists should leave the country. Senior Muslim scholar Sheiykh Allama Shahid Raza Naeemi OBE was speaking at an event to bring Kirklees (West Yorkshire) communities together. He said: “To those extremists who are using and abusing the name of Islam by making silly ill-thought

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Please don’t hate us: UK ad campaign to target extremism

A British advertising campaign is launched to prevent people in Pakistan from engaging in extremism. In a series of television and radio commercials, prominent British Muslims declare that it is no contradiction to be British and Muslim and condemn violent extremism. The commercials will be broadcasted on major channels in Pakistan from Monday, 16 February,

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Britain Moves To Regulate Mosques

In the first government-sponsored attempt to put in place a system of regulating Britain’s over 1,300 mosques to prevent radicalization, a new body of four major Muslim groups formed after the July 7 London bombings has drafted proposals on core standards and constitutions for the mosques. The new proposals have been drawn up by the

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