Muslims ask for Mosque in Conegliano

We ask for help from the city of Conegliano, we would like a mosque” The Islamic community Conegliano met these days the marabouts Bodian, who made ​​the request to the mayor   “We ask for help to the Municipality of Conegliano, we would like a mosque.” This is the request of the Islamic community that

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Portugal: Cardinal warns Roman Catholic women against marrying Muslim men

A Portuguese cardinal has warned Roman Catholic women against marrying Muslim men. “Be careful with love. Think twice before marrying a Muslim, think seriously because it brings loads of hassle – and even Allah can’t say where all that will end,” said Jose Policarpo, the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon. Policarpo stressed that there are significantly

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Vatican Thanks Muslims for Faith Return

Senior Vatican cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran has thanked Muslims for brining religion back into the public life in Europe. “Muslims, having become a significant minority in Europe, were the ones who demanded space for God in society,” said Tauran. Vatican officials have long bemoaned the increasing absence of religion in secular Europe. Tauran echoed calls for

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Muslims should be free to convert, says cardinal, after death threats

Leading cardinal Angelo Scola called on the Islamic world to allow individual Muslims the freedom to convert to Christianity. The call comes following the death threats posed against Italian journalist Magdi Allam, concerning his conversion from Islam to Catholicism. Scola said that no one, including Muslims could impose the identity of the community to a

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RVW: Le cardinal Tauran nommé pour renforcer le dialogue avec l’islam

By Isabelle De Gaulmyn Le cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, jusqu’alors archiviste et biblioth_caire de la Sainte _glise romaine, prend la t_te du Conseil interreligieux Pour les experts du dialogue avec l’islam _ Rome, la nomination du cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, lundi 25 juin, par Beno_t XVI, _ la t_te du Conseil pontifical pour le dialogue interreligieux

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