CIDOB publishes report on analysis of 2017 Barcelona terrorist attacks

The Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) has released a paper called Revisiting the Barcelona Attacks: Reactions, Explanations and Pending Discussions, which examines the discourse and debates surrounding the Islamic State group attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils on August 17th and 18th, 2017.

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Burqa law ban in Catalonia

In 2010 a ban against women wearing burqas in public buildings was approved by the city of Lleida in Catalonia. Women who would disobey such ban would incur in a fine between €300 and €600. The ban was adopted by several other localities in the area on the basis of public space control and public

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Spanish police conducting 368 investigations into Islamist terrorism

July 9, 2014 Right now there are 837 terrorism investigations underway in Spain, of which 368 involve Islamist groups, according to counter-terrorism sources. The Interior Ministry considers that the risk of a new Islamist attack in Spain is “high,” and the government has activated a Level 2 alert because of the “probable risk of an

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A judge issues the first condemnation for Islamophobia in Catalonia

March 5, 2014   The Judge of a Barcelona Court, ​​María Pilar Calvo, has condemned Jaime T., the website administrator of “”, to two years in prison for inciting hate and violence against Islam and for disseminating anti-Islamic beliefs. The condemnation is the first Islamophobia related condemnation in Catalonia., which has received at least

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Hundreds of extremists in Catalonia willing to act

December 16, 2013   In response to the expansion of Salafi-Wahabi extremism across Europe, Spanish State security has deployed a dense network of agents throughout Catalonia that have woven a stealthy early warning system for detecting terrorist threats from radical Islamist groups that have arrived to gain new supporters in the Catalan community. Several “conferences”

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