The Spanish Headscarf and burqa debate

After the Najwa Malha affair and the ban on the burqa and the niqab in Lleida some political and religious actors have fixed their opinions on headscarves. The Speaker in the European Parliament of the Socialist Party of Spain (PSOE), López Aguilar, compared the hijab to the Catholic nuns’ head covering.

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Judges: German ban on head-scarves includes nuns’ veils

A law which prohibits Muslim women teachers from wearing head-scarves in a German state’s public schools also forbids Catholic nuns from wearing their veils in regular classrooms, judges said Wednesday. The administrative tribunal of Baden-Wuerttemberg state set out the position in a detailed written judgement, two months after ruling verbally that a woman convert to

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Muslim Woman with Headscarf is Allowed to Teach

STUTTGART – Overturning the legal ban on headscarfs in state schools in the state of Baden-W_rttemberg, the Administrative Court of Stuttgart ruled that Doris Graber, the 55-year-old Muslim teacher whose trial has become a test case and national cause c_l_bre, may continue to wear her headscarf while teaching, just as Catholic nuns are allowed their

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