Florence: Jews, Christians and Muslims Rooted in Solidarity

On Wednesday, October 2 at 6PM in the Hall of Luca Giordano di Palazzo Medici Riccardi there will be a symposium with Sara Cividalli , Mohamed Bamoshmoosh, Piero Giunti, Tonio Dell’Olio and Mercedes Frias.   On Wednesday, October 2 in Florence , at 6PM, in the Hall of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi (Via Cavour 1

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Doesn’t religion cause most of the conflict in the world?

In this extract from the book For God’s Sake, one question is asked to four Australian writers with very different beliefs. Religion is powerfully motivating and belligerent humans fight over it. Yet it’s true, religion has been a major feature in some historical conflicts and the most recent wave of modern terrorism. Religion has taken

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Muslims, Jews and Christian groups vow to protect the environment

July 9 2012   UK Jewish, Christian and Muslim groups have come together to launch a handbook entitled Sharing Eden that uses the teachings of the Abrahamic faiths to encourage a greener lifestyle for all.   The handbook combines each faith’s relevant religious teachings and worship to address some of the most pressing environmental issues

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Christian and Muslim Leaders Criticize Ban on Religious Artefacts in Old Folks Home

07./ 08.07.2011 In an attempt to promote diversity, residents at a sheltered housing complex in Preston, Lancashire, have been banned from displaying religious objects in communal areas. Both local Christian and Muslim leaders criticised the ruling and pointed to the importance of their faith to the elderly people. However, “Places for People”, the organisation that

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Southern Germany segregates Christian and Muslim asylum seekers

The government of Lower Bavaria in southern Germany has segregated Christian and Muslim asylum seekers into different residential homes. The Bavarian Refugees Council called the measure an “inhuman act of reallocation”. The government confirmed that they had moved 40 asylum seekers of Christian background due to rising numbers of incoming Muslim asylum seekers from Somalia.

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