Swiss Christians and Jews join Muslim opposition to minaret ban

The Swiss Council of Religions, which groups Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders, has issued a statement rejecting a call for the country to ban the construction of minarets at mosques. “For the members of a religious community, religious buildings are not only places to gather but also a symbol of their faith and an expression

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Episcopal minister defrocked after becoming a Muslim

Former Episcopal minister Ann Holmes Redding has been ordained in the Episcopal Church for nearly 30 years, but her ordainment came to an end when she was defrocked this week. According to a report, Redding has been both a practicing Christian and Muslim for the past three years. “Had anyone told me in February 2006

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Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) makes News in So-called Radicalism

According to the National Post, controversy has emerged on its editorial blog as the CAF (Canadian Arab Federation) recently sponsored an essay contest on The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine where it urged high school students to write about Israel’s wrongdoings. The group has recently announced a second controversial event, a July 14 Toronto speaking event

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Controversial creationist book hits Scots universities: Academics fear the book could also end up in schools.

A controversial book by an evangelical Muslim – claiming to prove that God created the earth, and calling evolution a “deceit” that was responsible for the Holocaust, communism and the 9/11 attacks – is being sent unsolicited to Scottish universities. Seven copies of the lavishly-produced Atlas Of Creation by Harun Yahya have arrived at the

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Christian and Muslim minorities in Transition in Europe and the Middle East

Through the process of globalisation, in which increased migration and advanced possibilities of communication are major factors, the socio-cultural and religious landscape has undergone major modifications worldwide. Religion and religious movements in general have come to the fore, but also religious minorities have gained importance in influencing cultural, social, juridical, political and economic issues of

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