Islam not Compatible with German Constitution, says far-right AfD party

April 18, 2016 The anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) said on Sunday Islam is not compatible with the German constitution and vowed to press for bans on minarets and burqas at its party congress in two weeks’ time. The AfD punished Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats in three regional elections last month, profiting from

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Germany’s Muslims Are Skeptical towards Their New President

Muslims are divided in their views on the new German president, Joachim Gauck. Many are concerned about his evident understanding for the views of Thilo Sarrazin on Muslims in Germany. Jan Kuhlmann reports It was a broad coalition in the Federal Assembly which elected Joachim Gauck to the German presidency last Sunday. Christian Democrats, Social

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German State of Hesse Re-Ignites Burqa-Debate

12.01.2012 The Christian Democrats (CDU) in the German state of Hesse have reignited the debate about a burqa ban in Germany. CDU-politician Alexander Bauer presented the main ideas of the CDU’s integration policy on Thursday; while the party acknowledges Germany’s immigration reality and the diversity amongst Germany’s population, they are also inclined to impose a

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Update: Dutch MPs to Oppose Ban on Ritual Slaughter

14 December 2011   A debate in the Netherlands over a proposed ban on ritual slaughter continues with a majority of senators in the upper house of parliament now opposing the ban. A large majority of MPs in the lower house voted in favour of a ban in June, though Jewish and Muslim groups oppose

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Dutch Minister In Favor of Immigration

7 October 2011 Dutch Immigration Minister Gerd Leers, stated in a recent interview that “migration enriches our society”. The member of the Christian Democrats stated that a society which tries to curb immigration is “on the wrong track” and said that he regrets the anti-immigration political and social debate of the past years.

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