Supreme Court upholds legislative prayer in Town of Greece v. Galloway

This morning the Supreme Court held in Town of Greece v. Galloway, that the town’s practice of beginning legislative sessions with prayers does not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. It was a 5-4 decision, split along traditional right-left lines, though there is not a clear majority opinion. Justice Kennedy wrote for the Court,

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The Archbishop of Canterbury has praised Muslims for bringing religion back into public

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, stated in an interview with the Muslim News that he is delighted to see how much Islam has brought religion back into the public debate. British society, which has become “rather unfriendly” towards religious people must discuss religion openly, and Islam has greatly contributed to stirring up the

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Marine Le Pen Claims that “Positive” Laïcité has Benefited Islam

National Front vice-president Marine Le Pen has offered her reflections on what President Nicholas Sarkozy has termed “positive secularism.” On the occasion of Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to France, Le Pen noted, “I have battled against positive secularism, but for reasons other than those I have seen in the newspapers in the last few days.”

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Secularism confronts Islam

The author has already written elsewhere about the failure of political Islam because of the non-compatibility of the Islamic imaginary with the structure of the modern state. A political agenda based on Revelation will be bound to coercively suit society to law rather than the other way around. Olivier Roy, France’s leading philosopher-political scientist, disagrees

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Nicolas Sarkozy Defends the Notion of “Positive French Secularism”

French president Nicolas Sarkozy recently defended the notion of “positive secularism” which allows place for religion in the public sphere. While Sarkozy has not introduced any real reform, making the statement in speeches in Rome in December 2007 and in Riyad in January 2008, the suggestion has created fierce debate. In the past Sarkozy has

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