Should Jihadis be allowed back into the UK?

Jihadis who traveled to Syria to join ISIS, who are now Jailed in Syria and Iraq should be allowed to return to Britain. A new report from the Soufan Centre, a nonprofit organization based in New York dedicated to serving as a resource and forum for research, analysis, and strategic dialogue related to global security

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The refusal to allow return of Islamic State runaways Shamima Begum and Hoda Muthana enters into contrasting legal debates in the U.S. and the UK.

Comparisons are inevitably being made between Shamima Begum, the British 19 year old who fled Britain when she was 15 to join the Islamic State (IS), and Hoda Muthana, a 24-year-old who travelled to IS three months before Begum, from her home in Alabama, United States. Like Begum, Muthana is also requesting to return to

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Proposal to make handshakes mandatory for Danish citizenship criticized for targeting Muslims

Criticism of a proposal by Denmark’s ruling right-wing coalition, which requires a handshake as part of a citizenship naturalization ceremony, is growing because of its deliberate targeting of Muslims, some of whom place a hand on their chest during the ceremony for religious reasons. The proposal is the latest in a series of anti-Muslim policies in the country.

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Muslim residents sue U.S. over citizenship denials

August 1, 2014 Five long-time U.S. residents who are Muslim or from Muslim-majority countries sued the federal government on Thursday, saying the Department of Homeland Security was unfairly denying or delaying requests for citizenship and permanent residency on vague security grounds. The plaintiffs, all immigrants who are either practicing Muslims or are from predominantly Muslim

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Austria Matura qualifications and citizenship

July 25, 2014 To become an Austrian citizen, one must successfully pass a German language skill exam. According to the ORF, public authorities in Austria even ask those who hold a University degree in German philology to participate at it. However, currently this procedure is discussed among politicians.

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