Was There Really a Post-9/11 Backlash Against Muslims?

Over at Commentary, Jonathan Tobin complains that “most of the mainstream media still takes it as a given that there is an ongoing and brutal post-9/11 backlash against Muslims in America that fuels discrimination against followers of Islam.” I don’t know that I’ve ever seen the backlash characterized as “brutal” in the mainstream media, or

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Lessons in Hate and Violence: The Same Old Story – Commentary on a Channel 4 Documentary

17 February 2011 Prior to the transmission of Channel 4’s Dispatches, Lessons in Hate and Violence, a number of newspapers ran articles about the extremism and abuse in some mosques and madrassas. Muslim groups gave their reaction after the programme aired. The British Muslim Forum condemned abuse and bigotry but said that such incidents and

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CNN Commentary: “New media, new Muslim voices” – Michael Wolfe urges more Muslim participation in new forms of media and communication

Author and non-profit founder Michael Wolfe contributes a special commentary on CNN, concerning the needed voices of Muslims in US Media and journalism. Wolfe asks: “With all the focus on Islam and Muslims in the news, the voices of American Muslim civic leaders, or even ordinary Muslims going about their daily business, are too often

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Polemical Canadian Muslim calls for ijtihad in Globe and Mail commentary

Irshad Manji, author of The Trouble With Islam Today (2004) and director of the Moral Courage Project at New York University, calls for ijtihad in this commentary. Manji claims that an important response to the Gaza crisis is for Muslims to call into question their tradition understandings of the Qur’an and to foster debate. Manji

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