Religious education in Germany: God and Berlin

A referendum next month may import religious teaching into Berlin’s schools. By American standards, German culture wars are mild affairs. A spat in Berlin over teaching religion in schools may be an exception. Next month the city will vote on whether schools should teach the subject as an alternative to an ethics course. The debate

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Norway: Oslo council rejects Muslim school proposal

A majority vote in the Oslo municipal council rejected a proposal to establish a Muslim school in the capital city, overturning the Municipal Executive board. The council was considering a recommendation by the education ministry concerning an application by the School of Peace to start a Muslim school in Oslo. The application sought to establish

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Greece: After a new holistic education program, the number of Muslim pupils grows in schools of northern Greece

The number of Muslim children entering secondary education in Thessaloniki has grown fourfold, ten years after a groundbreaking program was introduced to produce modern materials for speakers of other languages whose cultural identity was once deemed incompatible with mainstream teaching methods. Among the program’s successes has been the introduction of bilingual textbooks, schoolbooks, digital and

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Romania: Religion Debated in Romania Schools

Government education reforms to overhaul religious instruction and modernize curriculum are sparking debate in Romania, concerning the role of religion in schools. “Religious education here indoctrinates, fuelling prejudice against other faiths and against sexual minorities,” said Smaranda Enache, co-president of human rights group Liga Pro-Europa. However, Enache voiced her concern that teaching children to discriminate

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Minnesota directs Tarik ibn Zayad Academy to remedy concerns about prayer sessions, busing

A Saint Paul, Minnesota charter school catering to Muslims complies with federal and state laws, the state Education Department said, but it suggested changes be made in religious areas. The state recommended the Tarik ibn Zayad Academy change its bussing schedule and handling of Friday prayer services, saying that shorter prayer services on most days

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