House of Commons Debates Sharia Councils

23 April 2013   On Tuesday, 23 April, the House of Commons held a debate on the role of sharia courts in the United Kingdom. With frequent reference to the BBC “Panorama” program on sharia councils which aired the previous evening, Kris Hopkins (Conservative MP for Keighley) sought clarification of the Government’s position on sharia

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Mathias Rohe on Islamic Theology in Germany *Triggering Global Debates*

In Germany, Islamic theology is being introduced as a university course – a much debated issue in academic terms, but also politically. In this interview, Mathias Rohe, Germany’s most renowned academic expert on Sharia law, talks about what this means for the development of Islam in Germany and, potentially, on a global level

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Hasan’s ties to cleric and possible homegrown radicalism analyzed

Debates are ensuing amongst intelligence analysts, counterterrorism officials and Congress over whether Hasan is part of a larger trend of “homegrown radicalization” and whether changes are needed in how law enforcement investigates individuals absent evidence of crime, what kind of information intelligence agencies can collect on U.S. citizens, or how such sensitive information can be

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Le Figaro finds young Muslims prefer to express themselves on the web

This Le Figaro report suggests that both moderate and radical Muslims in France seek support on the web, that the Imam is only one of many possible guides. While it offers a place for more fundamentalist interpretations like Salafism from Saudi Arabia, the internet is also revolutionizing Muslim thought. As Jocelyne Cesari, a scholar of

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The Center of Islamic Culture Organizes Concerts and Debates During Ramadan

The Centre de préfiguration des cultures d’islam has organized a variety of evening concerts and debates every evening during Ramadan at the Institute of Islamic Culture (Institut des cultures d’islam) in the 18th district in Paris. Full-text article available here. (Some news sites may require registration)

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