Headscarf Law follows Mothers on Field Trips

The HALDE promotes the principle of non-discrimination The High Authority for the Struggle Against Discrimination and for Equality (HALDE) has found it “contrary to the principle of non-discrimination on religious grounds” that mothers wearing Islamic headscarves be excluded from accompanying students on field trips and extra-curricular activities. {(continued in French)} FOULARD STATUT DES M_RES ACCOMPAGNANT

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Evacuated Muslims In Noisy-Le-Grand Are Praying On The Lawn

By Xavier Ternisien NOISY-LE-GRAND – In compliance with court ruling, the police evacuated Muslims from a company’s building. The more than 10 thousand Muslims, about one-sixth of the town’s total population, have tried several times before to purchase an adequate site of worship, but the municipality has thwarted their attempts so far. A group of

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L’italie Se Dote D’un Conseil Consultatif Du Culte Musulman

Italy convened a Muslim Advisory Council in order to “solve the problems of integration” and to constitute a “Italian Islam”. Minister of Interior, Giuseppe Pisanu said that, “in a country where Islam is the second religion and where 35 % of the immigrants are Moslem, it was necessary to establish a suitable form of dialogue”.

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