New Book on the History of Germany’s Islamist Scene

22.07.2011 In his book “Eine Moschee in Deutschland” (A mosque in Germany), which is based on research conducted for a TV documentary on the rise of political Islam in the West, historian Stefan Meinig offers an analysis of the emergence of political Islam in Germany. Meinig traces the rise of Islamist networks in Germany back

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Yearbook published on Islamophobia in German-speaking countries

The Austrian publisher Studienverlag has published a yearbook of research on Islamophobia in the German-speaking countries (Jahrbuch für Islamophobieforschung 2010: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz). It is an introduction to the academic use of the term “Islamophobia” and includes recent empirical examples such as the courtroom murder of Egyptian Marwa El-Sherbini or the Swiss minaret ban. Further

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Muslimische Jugend in Deutschland (MJD) / Muslim Youth in Germany

The youth organisation Muslimische Jugend in Deutschland (MJD)/Muslim Youth in Germany was founded in 1994 and has gained popularity in recent year especially among the very religious of young Muslims. The organisation has local groups (so called Lokalkreise) in many German cities. On average, the around 900 registered members are well educated and between 13

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Unutilised Potentials

German: Ungenutzte Potentiale: Zur Lage der Integration in Deutschland Germany is currently home to some 15 million immigrants and their offspring born in the country. What this means is that close to 20 percent of the population has what is known as a migration background. In their recent report, the Berlin Institute for Population and

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Migration-Elite quickens Germany

Migrants in Germany tend to work harder and more – and they are successful. Professor Franz Walter reports about the outcome of a new Study (“Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland 2007) by the Heidelberger Institut Sinus Sociovision about Migrants amongst the German elites.

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