New data and information on Islam in Germany

This new report provides updated data and information on Islam in Germany.  

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Austria: Islam As A High-School Subject

VIENNA – Experts believe that Islamic religious education in state schools could be the way to the better integration of Muslims. Now students can even take Islam as a high-school degree subject. Critical thinking and social issues like women’s and human rights, social responsibility, the compatibility of Islamic, Austrian and European identities are parts of

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Düsseldorf: Zwischen Ehrgeiz Und Benachteiligung Alevitentum Als Schulfach Eingeführt, Doch Anzahl Der Alevititischen

Sch_ler Unklar The Ministry of Education in North Rhine Westphalia has accepted the offer of the Alevitischen Gemeinde Deutschland to provide religious instruction in schools. This follows Berlin, Hessia, Bavaria, and Baden Wurttemberg in the recognition of the community. The instruction will follow the determination of the number of students desiring this instruction. The recognition

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Federal Minister of the Interior Otto Schily pleads for preventive detention of terrorism suspects in Germany

Federal Minister of the Interior Otto Schily pleaded the case for preventive detention of terrorism suspects in Germany. Although he said he knew that at present there was not majority support for the measure, he felt that it was a necessary step for the safety of the country. Schily said that there were a number

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