Former German Federal President promotes dialogue

July 11, 2014 Christian Wulff, former Federal President, encouraged people to enter into a dialogue with each other and particularly with Islam. He emphasized on the central role of world religions in promoting world peace. Rather than stressing differences he suggested to focus on the commonalities and, as a positive example, quoted the national soccer

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Church Dialogue on Islam

January 12, 2014   While world events play out around the globe, it can be hard to fully grasp the role that religion plays. One local church is helping people better understand the world around them, but not exclusively through Christianity. “Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church if you’re visiting. This is our Tour of Islam,” said

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Pope Francis Writes to Muslims, I feel like your brother

August 2, 2013 “As you all know, when the Cardinals elected me as the Bishop of Rome and Universal Pastor of the Catholic Church, I chose the name of Francis, a very famous saint, deeply loved by God and every human being, to the point of being called the ‘universal brother.’” The Pope wrote in

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A Dialogue with Islam but with the denunciation of fundamentalism

In a speech, Cardinal Angelo Scola commented on the image of the boundary, proposed as the theme for the tenth meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Oasis Foundation. The two days of meetings also mark the tenth anniversary of the Oasis organization, conceived by Scola; the meeting and anniversary brought together some seventy scholars,

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New book – Islam in the West: Iraqi Shi’i Communities in Transition and Dialogue

*Islam in the West: Iraqi Shi’i Communities in Transition and Dialogue* By Kieran Flynn Oxford: Peter Lang 259 pp. | ISBN 978-3-0343-0905-9 | £40.00 This book studies the historical, religious and political concerns of the Iraqi Shi‘i community as interpreted by the members of that community who now live in the United Kingdom and Ireland,

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