“Allochtoon” to be Eradicated in Amsterdam City Council

13 February 2013   Amsterdam’s city council will stop using the terminology “autochtoon” and “allochtoon” to identify citizens. “Allochtoon” refers to first or second generation migrants, as well as third generation Dutch with at least one grandparent who is an immigrant. In colloquial discourse “allochtoon” refers to those of non-western ethnic heritage and “autochtoon” to

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Norwalk supports mosque after lawsuit, fed inquiry

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — When Norwalk received a proposal to build the city’s first mosque, it was rejected by officials who said the structure was too big for the largely residential area and would create too much traffic. The applicants filed a federal lawsuit alleging religious discrimination and the U.S. Justice Department, which has

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Lawmakers divided on post-9/11 program that collected info on Americans, not terrorists

WASHINGTON — Stinging criticism from Congress about a counterterrorism effort that improperly collected information about innocent Americans is turning up the heat on the Obama administration to justify the program’s continued existence and putting lawmakers who championed it on the defensive. The administration strongly disagrees with the report’s findings, and leaders of the Senate Homeland

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Two attacks against the vehicles of two Muslim Leaders

06 September 2012 The vehicle of the NGO Luna Blanca and the private car of the president of the Muslim community Al-Bujari have both suffered two separate attacks in two different points of Ceuta, according to complaints presented to the national police. The vehicle of the NGO was burned yesterday while parked next to the

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New Publication: Muslims in Paris

“This neighbourhood has always been a neighbourhood of arrivals; people who come and are in need, trying to move into a more welcoming neighbourhood.” —Focus group respondent Muslims in Paris highlights the everyday experiences and rarely heard voices of Muslims living in the neighbourhood of La Goutte d’Or, situated in Paris’ multicultural 18th arrondissement. The

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