Mohsin Hamid: ‘Islam is not a monolith’

There are more than a billion Muslims in the world, each with an individual view of life. So why are they viewed as a unified group, asks Mohsin Hamid, author of The Reluctant Fundamentalist? In 2007, the author was struck by the large number of interviewers and of audience members at Q&As who spoke of

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Muslims, our neighbors (Spain)

26 May 12 The Muslim community in the Murcia region consists of more than 90,000 citizens coming from the most varied backgrounds and sharing a desire: to improve their level of integration. This is one of the conclusions reached by the official of the Municipality of Murcia, Teresa Martin Melgarejo, one of the most active

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Muslim Medical Students Boycott Lectures on Evolution

28.11.2011 An increasing number of Muslim biology and medical students as well as trainee doctors at the University College London (UCL) are boycotting lectures on evolution, claiming they clash with ideas established in the Quran. As the Daily Mail reports, similar to the beliefs expressed by fundamentalist Christians, Muslim opponents to Darwinism maintain that Allah

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Doctors in the Netherlands Call for Debate over Male Circumcision

15 September 2011 The Dutch federation of doctors (KNMG) is calling for explicit statements opposing male circumcision. The KNMG suggests that the “ritual practice” is “medically irresponsible…between five and 15 percent of cases lead to later complications”. Muslim and Jewish populations have released statements against the ban, with the union of Moroccan mosques explaining that

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Taboos and Fear among German Muslim Girls

Young Muslim women are often forced to lead double lives in Europe. They have sex in public restrooms and stuff mobile phones in their bras to hide their secret existences from strict families. They are often forbidden from visiting gynaecologists or receiving sex ed. In the worst cases, they undergo hymen reconstruction surgery, have late-term

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