Dutch Muslims organize charity donation

An initiative organizing the donation of meat from the Eid al-Adha festival is gaining populatity in the Netherlands. The Joint Muslim Aid Organization (SMHO) collects meat during the festival and distributes it to the needy in the Netherlands. During the festival of Eid al-Adha, which commemorates the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his

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American blogger coordinates donations to honor Aqsa Parvez

Aqsa Parvez was killed more than a year ago and has been buried in Lot 17 of Brampton, Ontario’s Meadowvale Cemetery, where she’s listed as No. 774. It has yet to be proven in court that Parvez was the victim of a cultural honour killing, but it has been well-reported that both her father and

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Health agency encourages immigrants to become organ donors

The National Transplant Organization (NTO) is reminding Muslims that Islam allows for adherents to engage in organ donation. The ministry put into motion a campaign to promote a culture of donation and transplant among immigrant communities in Spain. The slogan of the campaign – your heart knows no color or culture along with information published

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Muslims Donate for Hungry Americans

By Abderrazak Mrabet RALEIGH, North Carolina – The Muslim American Society (MAS) has launched a nationwide campaign to encourage Muslims to donate food and money to help feed fellow hungry Americans, regardless of their faith. “It’s our way of showing the community that we care about everyone and that Allah loves everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims,”

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