Dutch Muslim Party Dissolves

25 June 2012   The Dutch Muslim Party (NMP) has dissolved, following the resignation of leaders Henny Kreeft and Jacques Visser. The two men, converts to Islam, started the party in 2007 with the purpose of decreasing the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims. The party had little electoral success, winning no seats in the 2010

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Dutch Muslim Party Clarifies it Does Not Want to Ban Dogs

30 January 2012 The Islam Democrat Party in the Hague has clarified that it does not want to ban dog ownership in the city. During a debate one week earlier fraction head Hasan Kucuk commented that he found it ‘pitiful’ that dogs are sometimes shut in an apartment for 23 hours a day, leading to

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Dutch Muslims Create Website for Critical Discussion

Members of the Islamic community in the Netherlands have started a website as a platform to provide critical discussion about Islam. The site, nieuwemoskee.nl (‘new mosque’), is created independent of government funding and is intended to stimulate public debate on Islam’s position in Dutch society, as well as to provide “a platform for critical voices

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Difference in ethnic and immigrant dutch voting opinion

20,000 potential voters in the upcoming national elections filled out an online questionnaire that indicates their position on issues of immigration and integration. The guide, created by Maroc.NL, was filled out by as many ethnic Dutch as immigrants, and results suggest that responses from the two groups vary considerably:  for example, while 68% of Turks

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Dutch Muslim party to stand for election in Venlo

Henny Kreeft, leader of the Dutch Muslim Party (NMP), announced Monday that the party will contest upcoming local council elections in Venlo, hometown of politician Geert Wilders. The vote, to be held November 18, 2009, is the result of redrawing council boundaries. Four candidates – two with a Moroccan, one with a Turkish and one

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