We Need More Moderate Muslims in Politics

13 October 2010 Following the success of the far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) in the recent Viennese elections, Erich Kocina calls on Austrian Muslims to become more involved in Austrian politics. Nonetheless, he warns that this participation must not be seen as encouraging Turkish or Muslim individuals to represent exclusively Turkish or Muslim interests,

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Why not an Anti-Muslim Brigade?

Erich Kocina reacts to the recent IMAS study (see above) in this op-ed piece, pointing out two main points made clear by results: firstly, in coming out 59% against minarets, Austrians do not think much differently than the Swiss. And secondly, demagogues have done just as good a job in Austria as they have next

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Op-ed on Muslim life and integration in Austria

In this op-ed piece, Erich Kocina takes issue with the collective fear of a “clash of civilizations” in Austria with respect to Muslims, most often referring to Turks. First of all, he says that this fear is due to a number of real integration problems; however, this should not be surprising given that uneducated Eastern

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School and Islam: An Overview of Rules for Muslims in Austrian Schools

The article gives an overview of issues in Austrian schools such as Muslim pupils in swimming classes to biology lessons. Erich Kocina reports.

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