Former jihadist Kamel Daoudi appeals to European Court of Human Rights regarding house arrest

Convicted in 2005 for a plot to bomb the U.S. Embassy in Paris, Kamel Daoudi was stripped of his French citizenship while awaiting trial and ordered expelled to Algeria, the country of his birth, after he served six years in prison. But France has been repeatedly warned by Europe’s top human rights court not to

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Human Rights Watch criticizes France’s counterterrorism bill

Counter-terrorism legislation proposed by the French government will “normalize abusive practices,” undermine personal freedoms, and may fuel prejudice against the Muslim minority, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Tuesday. A bill presented last week would enshrine curbs on fundamental rights in law if approved by parliament, the rights group said. Newly-elected President Emmanuel Macron wants

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Businesses’ newly affirmed ability to ban headscarves likely to continue in Post-Brexit UK

On Tuesday (14 March), the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled against two Muslim women who claimed employment discrimination after being fired from their jobs for wearing hijab, modest religious dress which includes a headscarf. British legal experts say that the ruling will automatically remain enforced in the UK until it has actually split from the

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Burqa law ban in Catalonia

In 2010 a ban against women wearing burqas in public buildings was approved by the city of Lleida in Catalonia. Women who would disobey such ban would incur in a fine between €300 and €600. The ban was adopted by several other localities in the area on the basis of public space control and public

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“If they get to the European courts they will rule in favor of the girl”

03April 2013 The president of the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (UCIDE) Riay Tatary, said that the High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) rule about the Camilo Jose Cela de Pozuelo de Alarcón school’s decision to prohibit a Muslim student, Najwa Malha, from wearing a headscarf in class,  will be dismissed in the

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