Tariq Ramadan: The Alhambra shows that Europe is Islam

During a conference in Grenada, Tariq Ramadan responded to Pope Benedict XVI’s recent remarks affirming that the Alhambra, the Moorish palace in Southern Spain and showcases Islamic architecture, shows that Europe is also Islam. He added that the Al-Andalus has informed the creation of European identity. Ramadan accused the Pope of resisting a plural reconstruction

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Meeting of a New Body of European Imams in Belgium

The European Assembly of Imams and Spiritual Guides had their inaugural two-day conference in Brussels, Belgium on February 25-26, 2008. More than 150 Imams from 28 countries attended the event which was organized by the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE). The European Assembly of Imams and Spiritual Guides stressed the importance of creating

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Muslim Minorities and the Law in Europe: Chances and Challenges

In Europe today, millions of Muslims are living in secular democratic states by their own choice, contributing to the societies they are living in and forming now a new part of European identity. European secular legal orders grant them religious freedom and equal rights. Nevertheless, certain challenges for both Muslims and European legal orders should

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