Leaving Islam for Atheism, and Finding a Much-Needed Place Among Peers

May 23, 2014 ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Women talked about “coming out,” being open with their families, leaving “the closet” at a conference here this month. But the topic was not sexuality. Instead, the women, attending the third Women in Secularism conference were talking about being atheists. Some grew up Catholic, some Jewish, some Protestant —

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Former Muslim presents Islam film, titled “Interview With Muhammad”

Ehsan Jami, founder of the Committee for Former Muslims, presented his film – entitled “An interview with Muhammad.” The short 15-minute film looks back on the prophet Muhammad’s life as an interviewer questions him on women’s rights, non-believers, and Judaism. Jami asserts that the film is not anti-Islamic, but that he hopes the film will

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Netherlands’ Group Launches Shelters For Ex-Muslims

‘Open Doors,’ a major Netherlands-based Christian group, has launched a global initiative to set up shelters for ex-Muslims who have converted to Christianity. Founder of the organization Anne van der Bikl said that the shelters will be safe places where former Muslims can find safety and spiritual support. He added that ‘Open Doors’ will also

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Ex-Muslims Demand Right to Renounce Islamic Faith

Are Ehsan Jami’s methods promoting religious tolerance in the Netherlands? Controversially, 9/11 was chosen as the date to sign the “European Declaration for Tolerance.” It aims to draw attention to what the former Muslims see as the lack of freedom of religion within Islam. Former Muslims from several European countries signed the declaration in the

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Controversial Former MP Hirsi Ali Defends Committee for Ex-Muslims

{Some prominent Dutch personalities have recently collided over how to respond to the newly created Committee for Ex-Muslims. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former MP and Dutch intellectual, supports the Committee and its chairman Ehsan Jami, also a current MP. For more information about Hirsi Ali and the Committee for ex-Muslims, see the [Netherlands country profile.->https://www.euro-islam.info/spip/article.php3?id_article=294}

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