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Vatican alarmed by Muslims burning Israeli flags outside cathedrals

The Vatican expressed alarm over the burning of Israeli flags by Muslims, who were protesting against the Israeli actions in Gaza. The protests included holding Muslim prayers outside Italian cathedrals, which solicited a variety of reactions. Cardinal Renato Martino responded that he was not disturbed so much by the prayers, as he was by the

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Immigrazione/Pera: Aveva Ragione Biffi, Far Entrare Solo Cristiani

Cardinal Biffi proposed to make a law only allowing Christians to immigrate to Italy. The President of the Senate, Marcello Pera plans to support it. {(Article continues below in Italian)} Roma, 29 dic. (Apcom) – Il cardinale Biffi, che propose di far entrare in Italia solo immigrati provenienti da paesi di religione cristiana “fu molto

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