Social and economic marginalisation in European cities is a key factor in radicalisation, sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar warns

In his recent article, the sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar writes that a significant factor in jihadist radicalisation in Europe is the “jihadogenous urban structure”, a type of city district which produces jihadists at a much higher rate than other districts by shaping “the identity of those who are socially excluded and culturally stigmatised”.

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Farhad Khosrokhavar: ‘urban structure’ is a significant radicalization factor

Sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar recently published a piece in Le Monde, in which he argues: “In Europe, one of the most significant, even essential, factors of jihadist radicalization is the city. Not just any city. We’re talking about the urban ‘jihadogen’, which breeds jihadism.” “In the near-totality of European countries, there are neighborhoods where the number of

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Farhad Khosrokhavar critiques government counterterrorism plan

In a recent Le Monde interview, sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar spoke about the national counter-terrorism plan presented by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on February 23. “This is a mobilization plan. It’s a battle that the state alone can’t fight,” Philippe said. The new plan targets prisons, schools and even sports clubs, and involves specialists and ordinary people on

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French Political Party, the UMP, launches website to debate the Burqa

Led by Jean-François Copé, Nicolas Sarkozy’s political party, the UMP or the Union for a Popular Movement, has launched a website to consider and debate the niqab and burqa in the Republic: The website includes polls, definitions, video stream and position pieces by elected officials, as well as additional information links on the subject.

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Report From the Penitentiary Administration Warns of Islamic Fundamentalism in French Jails

A new “confidential defense” report from the Penitentiary Administration of France claims that 442 “Islamicists” currently incarcerated have a worrisome comportment. Le Figaro reports that one highly ranked official told the newspaper that these “secretive religious inmates have radicalized themselves by surfing the Internet,” and far from learning and teaching from the Qur’an they are

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