Far-right figurehead, Tommy Robinson, jailed after violating suspended sentence for videoing Muslims

The former leader of the far-right group the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson, has been jailed for thirteen months for breaking contempt of court laws with a Facebook Live video that could prejudice an ongoing trial. His supporters have protested his imprisonment, and Donald Trump Jr. has leant his support to their cause.

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Local Community shares concerns about delay in labeling the Finsbury Park Attack as Terrorism

Finsbury Park area residents were frustrated that the police and media took several hours to start calling the Finsbury Park attack a terrorist attack. One person died in the attack and 10 people were injured. Emma Salem, a 15-year-old resident, said, “I feel like if it was a Muslim man, whether or not they know

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British Muslims respond to London terrorist attack

Muslims in the UK are condemning Wednesday’s terrorist attack. A Muslim convert, Khalid Masood, killed 4 people on and near Westminster Bridge in London. Police believe that Masood was inspired by international terrorist organizations; Daesh (the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant) has claimed responsibility for the attack. The Muslim Council of Britain was one of

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Blind Imam Killed at Mosque

On Friday, the imam Sheik Maymoun Zarzour, 39, was found dead at the Muslim Welfare House in Finsbury park, next to the Finsbury Park Mosque. It then emerged that the imam – who was blind since a childhood accident – was killed after the morning prayers. A man was arrested at the scene on suspicion

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Fake Anthrax Attack at Finsbury Mosque

16.06.2011/ 17.06.2011/ 18.06.2011   On Thursday, North London Central mosque (formerly Finsbury Park mosque) was evacuated after a parcel with suspicious white powder and racist/ anti-Islamic messages well as drawings was delivered to the imam of the mosque. Upon receipt, the people at the mosque were concerned that the white powder was anthrax and, therefore,

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