The Training Of Imams Eludes The Control Of The State

The recent efforts to bring forth an Islam “_ la fran_aise” is running up against resistance from the countries of origin of French Muslim immigrants, anxious to preserve their influence. The training of imams in France would be the key to deveoping an Islam integrated into the Republic; a French Islam. This training remains precarious,

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Culte Musulman: Causes Of The Crisis

Xavier Ternisien explores the reasons for the crises at the Muslim Council of France. He claims that it has made no progress on any of the important issues facing Muslims in France (chaplaincies, construction of mosques, halal meat, foundation for Islam works, organizing the annual pilgrimage) and had no effect on the major issues such

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Le Cfcm Échoue À Résoudre Sa Crise Interne

The Muslim Council has so far failed to resolve its internal crisis over representation. The dispute centers around the representation given to the FNMF (National Federation of French Muslims) which tends to be associated with Moroccans. Currently no solution is available, and Council functions are being delayed, but officialy think it should be resolved soon.

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Villepin Urges Single Lists for Poll

To prevent the destruction of the French Council of Islam, the Minister of the Interior, Domenique de Villepin, proposed that three great federations (Large Mosque of Paris, UOIF and FNMF) to form single lists for the next poll envisaged on April 26.

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