Conservative republican Muslim condemns Fox Report on congressional staffers as “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

Suhail Khan, a conservative Republican who served as a political appointee in the Bush administration and currently serves on the American Conservative Union board, calls the Fox News report asserting that the Congressional Muslim Staff Association poses a national security threat “anti-Muslim bigotry.” Khan, who currently works as a Senior Fellow at the Institute for…

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Islamophobia and Homophobia

Playing the homophobia card is costlier than playing the Islamophobia card. Or at least, the costs are more evenly spread across the political spectrum. Suppose Williams had said something hurtful to gay people instead of to Muslims. Suppose he had said gay men give him the creeps because he fears they’ll make sexual advances. NPR…

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“A Week of Dialogue” At Mosques, Inviting Non-Muslims Inside to Ease Hostility Toward Islam

This week, hundreds of mosques and Islamic organizations across the country have been encouraging their members to invite non-Muslims to attend prayers, discussions and tours of Islamic centers as a way to defuse hostility toward the Muslim population. “A Week of Dialogue,” materialized from a summit of Islamic leaders last month in New York and…

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Read More Conservative media pushing fears about Sharia law in America

In an October 13 article, political reporter Brian Montopoli notes that the “notion that Sharia law is coming to America has been percolating in the conservative media for a while.” Montopoli cites examples from Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade, and Newt Gingrich, among others. He later reports that “fears of an outbreak of…

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The World is Watching

America’s reputation for religious tolerance and decency has taken a terrible hit with this brouhaha over the proposed mosque near Ground Zero. It is a self-inflicted wound, aided in no small part by the Tea Party and the fear-mongers at Fox News who never miss an opportunity to summon the darker aspects of our nature…

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