Dutch ministers take action on street youth

Dutch ministers pledged to meet with local officials in neighborhoods where many immigrants live, in an effort to curb the “nuisance” caused by gangs of Dutch Moroccan youth. A heated debate in parliament erupted between home affairs minister Guusje ter Horst and justice minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin – this following growing unease about the behavior

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“Immigrant massacre” in Caserta stirs concern

Italy is dealing with a rise in immigrant anger this week after protests erupted against the violent attacks directed at African immigrants. At Caserta, located in the north of Naples, riots sparked after the Naples mafia was linked to the gang-related killing of six Africans – three Ghanians, two Liberians, and a Togolese. In Milan,

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Paris Prosecutors Determine that September 6th Attack was not anti-Semitic

Paris judicial officials have decided that an attack on three Jewish youths on September 6th in eastern Paris (the same street where a Jewish teenager was beaten in June) did not have anti-Semitic motives. The five suspects were charged with simple voluntary violence. The three young yarmulkes-wearing Jews were attacked after demanding an explanation from

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Preliminary Charges In Attack on Jewish Teen in Paris

French authorities are filing preliminary charges of “attempted murder with anti-Semitic motives” against three suspects charged with beating a Jewish teenager on June 21st in Paris, who later spent two days in a coma. Libération newspaper claims that such altercations are on the rise among youth gangs in the 19th district of Paris. The June

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