Video: Statement of Muslim Community at Newtown, Conn. Interfaith Service with President Obama

Statement read by Jason Graves, Al Hedaya Islamic Center, Newtown, Conn. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful The Muslim community of the Al Hedaya Islamic Center in Newtown, in Connecticut and throughout the nation joins with our fellow Americans in grieving for those who died in this senseless tragedy and praying for

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Glasgow extends cemetery for Muslim graves

Glasgow City Council has approved £450,000 expenditure to extend the Linn Cemetery. The new 14.7ha plot will create space for 2,500 new plots. The new land means that the city can provide a dedicated area reserved for Muslim graves. The city’s mosques have been asking for extra burial space since 2001. The extension will be

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Slovenia: Vandals Spray Nationalist Symbols on Graves of Muslim Soldiers

The headstones of Muslim soldiers killed in the first World War have been vandalized in the North-western Slovenian Log pod Mangartom. The tombstones were sprayed with Serbian nationalistic symbols. Community Secretary Nizet Poric reacted angrily to the act of defacement, saying that the incidents are “first-class vandalism (and were) right out of order.” The local

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