Dutch supermarket managers face discrimination charges

Mangers at three locations of a popular grocery store in the Netherlands face charges for refusing to employ workers with Moroccan heritage, stemming from a case begun last year. The managers, from Haarlem and The Hague, are charged with professional discrimination and face up to one year in jail.

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Dutch Man Cleared in Excision Case

A court has cleared a man on a charge of genital cutting in the Netherlands’ first trial linked to female circumcision. Haarlem District Court judges say there is no doubt the girl underwent female circumcision but there is insufficient evidence to convict her father. The father was convicted of beating and biting his daughter and

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Excision Case Opens in Haarlem

A 30 year old Dutch man of Moroccan is on trial for genitally cutting his six year old daughter. The public prosecution has requested the sentence saying that the girl has been permanently mutilated by the man. The charges came after the girl told foster parents that her father cut her. Female circumcision is a

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Orange headscarves for Dutch Muslims in Haarlem

Muslim women in Haarlem will celebrate Queen’s Day in Dutch style this year. A group of students plan to hand out 5,000 orange headscarves on April 30th, to promote tolerance in the Netherlands. The orange headscarves allow Muslim women to express their loyalty to their faith, as well as to the queen. Two students initiated

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Man arrested for genital mutilation of his 5-year-old daughter

A Haarlem man has been arrested on suspicion of having genitally mutilated his five-year-old daughter. The man, of Moroccan origin, was taken into custody after the girl’s foster parents submitted a police report. While the report was filed in October, it has only now been made public. Doctors have confirmed that the girl’s genitals have

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