Six banks attacked in retaliation for an anti-Islam video

Six major American banks were hit in a wave of computer attacks last week, by a group claiming Middle Eastern ties, that caused Internet blackouts and delays in online banking. Frustrated customers of Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo and PNC, who could not get access to their accounts or pay

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Euro-Islam was Recently Hacked, We are Back to Normal Operations Now

Recently, Euro-Islam was hacked as a result of malicious hackers targeting Mediatemple’s (our host) customers. Unfortunately, clean up took longer than expected. However, you can rest assured that we have taken several steps to prevent this issue from occurring again. Our researchers have continued to compile news during the site’s blackout and all information is

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Swiss websites have been hacked by Islamists

Islamists, some of them from Turkey, have hacked over 2,000 Swiss websites and sabotaged them by putting up Swastikas and other fascist symbols, equating the Swiss to fascists after the vote on the minaret ban. They also left a message, saying “Our war against the enemies of the true religion of Islam will go on”.

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Hundreds of Dutch web sites hacked by Islamic hackers

An activist hacker by the name of ‘nEt^DeViL’ has hacked many Dutch websites and posted ideological statements on their homepages, in retaliation for the anti-Islamic short film _Fitna’ made and released earlier this year by Duth politician Geert Wilders. The hackings took places over the last six weeks, and feature an embedded YouTube video called

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