Proposal to make handshakes mandatory for Danish citizenship criticized for targeting Muslims

Criticism of a proposal by Denmark’s ruling right-wing coalition, which requires a handshake as part of a citizenship naturalization ceremony, is growing because of its deliberate targeting of Muslims, some of whom place a hand on their chest during the ceremony for religious reasons. The proposal is the latest in a series of anti-Muslim policies in the country.

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Switzerland to Muslim Students: Shake Your Teacher’s Hand or Pay $5,000

25 May 2016 When two teenage Muslim students from Syria told their school in Switzerland that to shake their female teacher’s hand would violate their religious beliefs, administrators were sympathetic. So they made an exception: Unlike the school’s other students, who shake each teacher’s hand at the beginning and end of each class period, the

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Teachers complain woman refuses to shake hands

An administrative worker at the School for Journalism in Utrecht has sparked resentment among some teachers. The woman, who greets male teachers with a hand over her heart rather than shaking hands, has been working at the position since September. Some teachers have lodged a complaint regarding the practice. Trajectum quotes teacher Michiel Smis saying

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