Muslims and Evolution in the 21st Century: A Galileo Moment?

Early last month, a conference was held in London, entitled “Have Muslims Misunderstood Evolution?” under the auspices of The Deen Institute, an organization which aims at promoting engagement between the Islamic tradition and modernity. The event sparked off a debate on social media and op-ed columns regarding the place of evolution in the Islamic worldview.

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Muslim creationists tour France denouncing Darwin

Reuters – May 16, 2011   Muslim creationists are currently touring France preaching against evolution and claiming the Qur’an predicts many modern scientific discoveries. Followers of Harun Yahya, a well-financed Turkish publisher of popular Islamic books, held four conferences at Muslim centers in the Paris area at the weekend with more scheduled in six other

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Islamic creationist book pops up in Scotland: Harun Yahya’s Atlas of Creation continues to spread throughout European countries

Harun Yahya’s Atlas of Creation, the lavishly illustrated Islamic creationist book that first turned up in Turkey, then France and other European countries and prompted a disapproving resolution by the Council of Europe, is now being mailed to universities in Scotland, the Sunday Herald there reported. The paper reported the following: I find it quite

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Islamic Creationist and a Book Sent Round the World

By CORNELIA DEAN In the United States, opposition to the teaching of evolution in public schools has largely been fueled by the religious right, particularly Protestant fundamentalism. The book says that creatures today are just like creatures that lived in the fossil past, so evolution must be impossible. Now another voice is entering the debate,

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